5 Ways to Keep Gardening All Winter Long

Hand-held terrariumPlant a garden that fits in the palm of your hand: a tiny terrarium. Create your own or start with a terrarium kit.

For many of us, the winter months are a long time away from the garden — too long! We yearn for soil and sunshine. Here's how you can get back to the garden: Plant some seeds. Treat yourself to a flowering houseplant. Make plans for the best garden ever. It'll be spring before you know it.

1. Turn Up the Lights

Few things are as rewarding as harvesting a salad in February or coaxing an orchid back into bloom. Set up a SunLite Garden and you'll be able to grow edibles like herbs and greens indoors. The full-spectrum lights are also perfect for blooming plants, such as African violets, orchids and hibiscus. And of course a SunLite Garden is the place for starting seeds for your outdoor vegetable and flower gardens.

Learn how in the article, Gardening Under Lights

2. Get (Almost) Instant Satisfaction with Amaryllis

Plant an amaryllis bulb in a pot, water it, and as if by magic, green shoots soon emerge, followed a few weeks later by dazzling blooms. By purchasing several bulbs and planting them a few weeks apart, you can stage a succession of bloom that takes you through the winter. And next year, you can repeat the show, bigger and better; this article shows you how to plant and care for your amaryllis — and get it to rebloom.

Get started with the article, Amaryllis Care

Terrarium kitShop for terrariums

3. Plant a Miniature Oasis

When you can't garden outdoors, tend a plot that fits on a tabletop: a terrarium! Choose a pre-made terrarium or design your own with our Terrarium Kit. Embellished with mosses, small houseplants, curios and found objects, terrariums soothe and delight, even on the coldest, darkest winter days. Best of all, terrariums are easy to care for and don't require any special skills for success.

Get started with the article, How to Plant a Terrarium

4. Grow Tomatoes from Seed

It's hard to beat the flavor of backyard-ripe tomatoes — and it's especially rewarding if you grew the plants from seed. Once you've tasted the best, you won't be satisfied with supermarket impostors. Plus, when you grow your own plants from seed, you have literally hundreds of varieties to choose from. Fortunately, tomato plants are easy to grow, and they're one of the easiest plants to start indoors from seed.

Get started with our video, Growing Tomatoes from Seed
Kitchen Garden PlannerStart using the Kitchen Garden Planner

5. Plan the Best Garden Ever

Using our free, online garden planner, you can make plans for the new growing season — right now. With the Kitchen Garden Planner, you can design a super-productive vegetable garden, based on square-foot gardening techniques that make more efficient use of space compared to traditional rows. Select the size of each bed, then drag and drop icons to create your own design. Or start with one of our pre-planned gardens. Print out your planting map and you're ready to go.