Gardening for the Planet
Compost and water conservation helped one gardener convert her southern California lawn into a lush landscape.
Being a force for good is at the core of our business. We share 10 simple steps you can do to improve the health of people and the planet.
Monarch butterfly populations have been decreasing over the past decade, with sharp declines in the last few years. What can gardeners do to help?
A few small gardening habits can make a huge, positive impact on our environment.
Form meets function in a rain garden. Manage stormwater runoff from surrounding roads and buildings, while also bringing gorgeous color to the landscape.
By planting wildlife-friendly gardens, gardeners can help reverse the habitat destruction and species loss that has occurred over the last century.
A quick overview of plant-breeding techniques will help you better understand GMO's (genetically modified organisms).
A guide to choosing the best bird feeder for your feathered friends.
It's all about habitat, habitat, habitat.
Learn what to do after a major flood event and how to adapt your garden for wetter weather. A changing climate may change the way we garden, but it does not have to lessen our love of growing!
Enhance your garden ornamentally and functionally with the addition of wildflowers and native plants.
We asked, and you responded! Gardeners from across the country share how they welcome wildlife to their landscape.
Learn how to reduce your consumption of water, lower your water bill, and still have a beautiful, productive garden.
The teak industry negatively impacts the environment and its surrounding communities — fortunately, Reforest Teak is looking to change that.
Plant a patch of milkweed in your backyard and feed monarch caterpillars.
Do good for the Earth, every day! Start by planting a tree, then check out our other four tips.
Bees, butterflies, birds, and bats bring us an estimated 1 out of every 3 bites of our food! What can gardeners do to protect our vital pollinators?
Bring birds to the yard with a variety of grasses, perennials, shrubs, and trees.
With the increase in composting, recycling, and reuse programs, it's easier than ever to limit the amount of waste going in our garbage cans.
Lawn doesn't need to be a sterile sea of green — yours can be a colorful carpet that supports birds, bees, and butterflies.
Have warmer temperatures, stronger storms, and more unpredictable weather patterns impacted your gardening style? We asked our Home Garden Testers to share their tips and tricks for growing in an ever-changing climate.
No dig? Yes, please!
Earth Day isn't just a day to celebrate this planet; it's also a call to action. Here are some of our favorite Earth-friendly gardening practices.
Invasive plants? No thanks!
Reduce the size of your grass lawn and create a beautiful, low-maintenance landscape that conserves water and provides wildlife habitat.
Purchasing certified wood products is the best way to support better forest management, worldwide.
🐦 Enhance your backyard with serene water features for birds! Watch them flock to your garden and create a peaceful oasis 🌿.