Fill Garden Gaps with Outdoor Decor

Creative ornaments add color, motion, light and pizzazz

a blue metal allium sculpture in front of daffodils A customer from Renton, Washington sent us this photo of our Everbloomin' Alliums in her garden.

Flowers are the stars of the garden, but what do you do when a plague of beetles, drought or neglect knocks out a section in the border? Experienced gardeners know that it helps to have a few well-chosen ornaments on hand. Garden art gives your space personality and true perennial pleasure, up close or from a drive-by distance.

Choose pieces that fit your garden's theme or character: playful or serene, spare or eclectic, colorful or color-themed. Determine whether the pieces will be viewed from the street, a footpath, porch or window. Bright colors, light reflection, movement and large, bold pieces are good attributes for distance viewing and public garden spaces. In smaller, more intimate gardens, choose decor that matches the scale, with subtler color, sound, size and motion.

In addition to garden art, consider:

Lighting: The garden can be beautiful at night, too. Solar lighting adds a whole new dimension to gardens in the evening.

Foliage: Non-flowering shrubs and perennials, including ferns and succulents, make an ideal foil for sculpture and decor that add personality and pop.

Next time you feel your garden needs "a little something", consider a well-placed ornament or sculpture. Here are some ideas to get you inspired: