Share the Harvest

A team of "gleaners" sorts produce at the Intervale Center in Burlington. The goal of gleaning is to collect leftover crops from farmers' fields and get it to local food shelves.

Youth gardeners plant seedlings as part of the Healthy City Youth Initiative.
MOST food pantries only have access to canned fruits and vegetables. When gardeners are able to donate a steady supply of fresh produce, it can make a big difference for neighbors in need.
The demand for hunger assistance has increased by 70 percent in recent years, and according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, one in eight households in the United States experiences hunger or the risk of hunger.
At Gardener's Supply, we have a long history of connecting gardeners to local food systems. In the late 1980s, we founded the Intervale Center, which is closing in on an ambitious goal to grow 10 percent of the fresh produce consumed in Burlington, VT. We also support the Healthy City Youth Initiative, a hands-on, farm-to-school program designed to teach basic cooking and gardening skills, boost physical activity and encourage healthy lifestyle choices for Burlington K-12 students.
Our Garden Crusader awards program honors people who are using their love of gardening to improve local communities — including providing better access to fresh, healthy, affordable food. We also support Plant a Row for the Hungry, a grassroots program that advocates the donation of surplus garden to local food banks, soup kitchens and service organizations.
Want to Help?
Donate food from your garden is an organization that makes it easy for backyard gardeners across the country to quickly find local food pantries eager to receive freshly picked crops for their clients. AmpleHarvest enables gardeners to find food pantries within a specified distance of their home and then view the days and times they can receive donations.
Start a community food-sharing program
At Plant a Row for the Hungry, you can download a brochure that tells you how to launch a food-sharing program in your community. We recommend checking with your local extension service or food bank to see what programs may already be in place.
Learn what's being done nationally
The American Community Gardening Association (ACGA) is the oldest community gardening association in the United States and we support its mission to help create sustainable community gardens by providing education and resources.
Last updated: 01/04/2023
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