Williston, VT

Soils & Mulches (bagged & bulk) • Watering Accessories • Fertilizers • Pest Control • Tools • Plant Supports
Garden & Home Décor • Pottery • Gifts • Hands-on Workshops & Educational Seminars
Delivery Services • Repotting Services & more!
We are happy to repot your plants for you. Please call our store, or see a greenhouse associate for assistance!
Our buyers get product samples from all over the world, but they don't all make it into our catalog. Stop by and pick through these truly one-of-a-kind items — guaranteed not to show up in the garden next door!
You'll find overstocks of your favorite Gardener's Supply catalog items at 20-70% off the original retail price. Many of these will never show up on sale on the website. Come in and see what's on the racks and save some cash.
Wrong colors or fit, unwanted gifts — these things happen all the time. At the Outlet Store, you not only get to try everything out, you also save on first-quality returns and products refurbished by the Gardener’s Supply quality control team.
Special Buys
Every once in a while, we’ll make a special buy of overstocks or discontinued items from other retailers and pass these savings on to you. From solar lights to arbors, we’re always looking for deals to pass along to our customers.
Store Hours
- Mon-Sat: 9AM - 6PM
- Sun: 10AM - 5PM
* Williston Wholesale Division's Hours
- Mon-Sat: 9AM - 6PM
- Sun: 10AM - 5PM
472 Marshall Avenue
Williston, VT 05495